About the Department
The Department of Philological Studies is part of the Faculty of Arts of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. It offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Foreign Languages for Commercial Purposes, which combines a range of theoretical and practical subjects to prepare students for higher levels of study or the jobs market. It also offers a follow-up Master's programme in Area Studies: Bavarian Studies. The Department is also involved in implementing other Bachelor's degree programmes, such as International Relations - Territorial Studies.
The focus of our expertise is the Bachelor's degree programme Foreign Languages for Commercial Purposes, which combines language competences with knowledge and skills from the commercial sphere to create an interdisciplinary study providing graduates with a wide range of practical applications.
For graduates who wish to continue their studies, a follow-up Master's programme in Area Studies: Bavarian Studies is available.
We are also involved in implementing the Bachelor's degree programme in International Relations - Area Studies, which teaches subjects related to British and American history, culture, and literature.
The Department also provides foreign language teaching to students of the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programmes of the Faculty, including historians, sociologists, anthropologists, humanists or archaeologists.
In addition to teaching, we are also engaged in research activities. Our areas of interest include general and applied linguistics, literary studies, translation studies, language teaching, as well as cultural and area studies.
The Department develops contacts with a number of domestic and foreign universities. It also cooperates with West Bohemian companies, with which it prepares one-day excursions or several-week internships for students. Experts from the corporate sphere also participate in teaching through guest lectures or seminars to introduce students to the world of business and the skills needed to function successfully in it.
The outcomes of our professional activities are presented at domestic and international conferences. The Department regularly organizes the international ProfiLingua conference devoted to the problems of professional language and multilingualism.