The French Language Section

Associate Professor Radka Mudrochová, Ph.D. specializes in the development and new tendencies of contemporary French from the perspective of lexis, diatopia and diastrophy. She actively participates in national (e.g. a working group of the Day of Slang and Neology) and international teams (EmpNéo, Néoveille projects), where she is mainly involved in researching linguistic borrowings. Within the European COST project (ENEOLI) she leads a subgroup focused on the neology of verbs. She closely cooperates with the University of Laval (Québec, Canada) with which she organized the second edition of the Tchécalex conference at the Faculty of Arts of the University of West Bohemia in 2024. In addition to linguistic research, she also investigates linguodidactics. In 2024, she collaborated on an international project with universities in Heidelberg, Warsaw, Milan and the Sorbonne. She also regularly implements SGS projects with the active participation of students. In 2025, a student publication will be published focusing on the comparative analysis of collocations with "comme" in French.

PhDr. Helena Horová Ph.D. focuses her research activities primarily on lexicology and specialized French language. Her publications interconnect linguistic topics with didactics. Between 2016 and 2020, she participated in a European COST project (SAREP). Currently, she is a co-investigator of a COST project (ENEOLI) dedicated to neologisms, with a period of investigation lasting until 2028. As part of her teaching activities, she coordinates student mobility with Amiens, Paris and Perpignan, and also manages a double-degree program offered jointly with the Université d'Artois in Arras.

Mgr. Lucie Divišová, Ph.D. has long been involved in avant-garde art (Alén Diviš) and avant-garde literature as well as its integration into the teaching of French as a foreign language. Her chief research interests lie in French-Czech relations and the relationship between the cultures of France and Central Europe, including the literature of (e-)migrants and exile literature (e.g. Petr Král, Věra Linhartová, etc.). She is also collaborating with the French Institute in Prague on the 4th edition of the student Goncourt Prize 2024, thus furthering her next research endeavours in the field of Francophone literature of the Maghreb region and contemporary French literature. 

PhDr. Ondřej Drobník focuses mainly on the syntax of French and Czech - particularly the topic of concessive clauses. Another area of his interest is represented by marketing linguistics and the use of corpus linguistics methods in marketing. He has published several studies on construction grammar and its application to Czech and French languages. In addition to French, he has also investigated Italian, discussing contrastive descriptions of diminutives in Czech and Italian. He is co-investigator of a COST (ENEOLI) project on neologisms with a period of investigation lasting until 2028.