The German Language Section

The Department of German Language is dedicated to cultivating Germanic and Germano-Slavic studies (especially Germano-Bohemistics), intercultural studies, applied linguistics and linguo-didactics. In the literary and cultural history segment, doc. Dr. Petr Kučera, Ph.D. and Mgr. Markéta Balcarová, Ph.D. deal with German-language literature from the Czech-Bavarian-Austrian borderland and from Western Bohemia, as well as Prague German-language literature in the broader context of Czech-German-Jewish cultural relations and the phenomenon of interculturality with an emphasis on the context of Central Europe. They collaborate in the form of joint projects, participation in conferences, reviewing or editorial activities with foreign universities (Augsburg, Regensburg, Munich, Dresden, Vienna, Bratislava, Nitra, etc.), domestic universities (Prague, Brno, České Budějovice), institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Institute of Slavonic Literature of the CAS and Institute for Czech Literature of the CAS) and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences). Doc. Kučera authored a literary science monograph entitled Problems of Intercultural Comparatistics (UWB Pilsen Publishing House) in 2023 and has been publishing articles in comparatistics, especially Germano-Bohemistics and Germano-Slavistics, in the journals Germanoslavica, World Literature Studies, Litteraria Slavica, Opera Slavica, Brücken, Stredoeurópske pohľady, etc. 

Dr. Markéta Balcarová researchers German-language literature from Šumava and German-language female authors of nineteenth and twentieth-century Prague in broader international context (cooperation with the Universities of Augsburg and Toulouse on a trilateral project). She has co-edited (with Prof. Dr. Manfred Weinberg from the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague) a thematic issue of the Germanoslavica journal on German literature from Šumava (2025) and (with Prof. Dr. Bettina Banasch from the University of Augsburg) a collective monograph Kafkas Schwestern for the  Königshausen & Neumann publishing house (2025), as well as proceedings on A. Hauschner for the Wallstein publishing house (2026). She has published in the journals Germanoslavica, Brücken, Schnittstelle Germanistik, Brünner Beiträge, Humanities and KulturPoetik.

In the segment of applied linguistics and linguo-didactics, the Department of Germanic Studies focuses on the translation aspects of specialized language, on the pragmalinguistic problems of foreign language communication and on linguo-didactic issues in teaching German. Mgr. Jana Krucká, Ph.D. studies the relationship between language and violence in the process of didactic communication. In 2024 she defended her dissertation on the Principles of Nonviolent Communication in Foreign Language Teaching (Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague). She conducted research on the communication climate in Czech secondary schools and has collaborated with the Cizí jazyky (Foreign Languages) journal. Within cooperation with the University of Regensburg, she is going to lead a workshop entitled Gewaltfreie Kommunikation in 2025, which is part of a regular exchange of theoretical knowledge and practical experience (Theorie-Praxis - Krisen und Konflikte in Schule und Gesellschaft - Prävention und Intervention).


In his work at KFL FA UWB as well as the Business Academy Pilsen, Mgr. Martin Šíp, Ph.D., in focuses on the linguo-didactic application of the findings of contemporary Germanic linguistics, especially morphosyntax and business German. He develops teaching materials for different levels of German language teaching and verifies their adequacy in the current sociolinguistic situation of Czech secondary school and university students.

Mgr. Pavlína Hilscherová specializes in contrastive linguistics, translatological problems of specialized language and selected terminologies (glassmaking, historical documents, use of musical terminology in the contexts of journalism, media, automotive, marketing) and determinologizing tendencies in language. She is preparing her dissertation on Musikfachwörter als Metapher (Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava). She actively participates in conferences of the Association of Germanists of the Czech Republic and the Central European Association of Germanists, and publishes in the journals Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik, Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław and Studia Germanistica.

In the cultural-historical and social science segment, doc. Dr. Winfried Baumann deals with the issue of the Czech-Bavarian border and Czech-Bavarian relations in a broader socio-political and cultural-historical context, including their media image. He publishes monographic studies on current topics and regularly contributes texts on events in Bohemia to German periodicals, especially the Köztinger Zeitung.  

Dr. Phil. et Mgr. Kateřina Kovačková focuses on the issues of cultural transfer and intercultural communication in the context of Czech-German relations. She has published the books Mai 1945 in der Tschechoslowakei / May 1945 in Czechoslovakia (LIT Verlag, 2020), Böhmisches. Allzu Böhmisches? (Aschendorff Verlag, 2018) and Figuren der Anderen in der deutschböhmischen Exilliteratur (Rogeon Verlag, 2015). She contributes to the cultural magazine Sudetenland and the periodical Sudetendeutsche Zeitung, and collaborates on cultural projects with institutions focused on Czech-German relations (Ackermann-Gemeinde, Centrum Bavaria-Bohemia in Schönsee, etc.). In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Rainer Bendel (AKVO Stuttgart), she is preparing a monograph on memory culture dedicated to the memories of the last Czech Germans living in Germany today.

PhDr. et Dipl. Pol. Martin Jeřábek, Ph.D. deals with German European politics (Europapolitik) as well as the history and political systems of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He authored a book on German European integration policy entitled Deutschland und die Osterweiterung der EU (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften). He is working on a monograph on the political system of today's Germany. He is developing cooperation with institutions in Germany (OTH Regensburg, Universität Konstanz, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung), in the Czech Republic with the Department of German and Austrian Studies at the Faculty of German and Austrian Studies of the Charles University in Prague, the German Embassy in the Czech Republic, etc.